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  • 부교수 실시간시스템, 배터리관리소프트웨어
  • 이진규 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab 실시간 컴퓨팅 연구실


1. Real-Time Scheduling and Systems: Timing guarantees for safety- and mission-critical systems
└ ML for RT  &  RT for ML: Machine learning for real-time systems, and timing guarnatee for machine learning
2. Software Defined Batteries: Improvement of battery performance through computer science/engineering principles
3. Mobile Computing and Systems: Facilitating new functions for mobile devices without additional hardware


  • Ph.D.: Computer Science, KAIST, Republic of Korea, 2011.8
  • M.S.: Computer Science, KAIST, Republic of Korea, 2006.8
  • B.S.: Computer Science AND Applied Mathematics (Double Major), KAIST, Republic of Korea, 2004.8


  • Visiting Professor (taking a sabbatical year), University of Michigan, USA, 2020.1 - 2021.1
  • Research Fellow/Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, USA, 2011.10 - 2014.1

학술지 논문

  • (2022)  MC-FLEX: Flexible Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Scheduling by Task-Level Mode Switch.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS.  71,  8
  • (2022)  Necessary Feasibility Analysis for Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Embedded Systems.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.  33,  7
  • (2020)  SmartGrip: grip sensing system for commodity mobile devices through sound signals.  PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING.  24,  5
  • (2020)  Power Guarantee for Electric Systems Using Real-Time Scheduling.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.  31,  8
  • (2019)  Improved schedulability analysis of the contention-free policy for real-time systems.  JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE.  154, 
  • (2019)  JMC: Jitter-Based Mixed-Criticality Scheduling for Distributed Real-Time Systems.  IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL.  6,  4
  • (2019)  MC-SDN: Supporting Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Communication Using Software-Defined Networking.  IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL.  6,  4
  • (2018)  Non-Preemptive Scheduling for Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.  29,  8
  • (2018)  Multi-level contention-free policy for real-time multiprocessor scheduling.  JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE.  137,  1
  • (2017)  Improved Schedulability Analysis Using Carry-In Limitation for Non-Preemptive Fixed-Priority Multiprocessor Scheduling.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS.  66,  10
  • (2017)  Global EDF Schedulability Analysis for Parallel Tasks on Multi-Core Platforms.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.  28,  5
  • (2017)  Development and use of a new task model for cyber-physical systems: A real-time scheduling perspective.  JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE.  126, 
  • (2017)  Time-Reversibility for Real-Time Scheduling on Multiprocessor Systems.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.  28,  1
  • (2016)  New response time analysis for global EDF on a multiprocessor platform.  JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE.  65,  1
  • (2016)  Thread-level priority assignment in global multiprocessor scheduling for DAG tasks.  JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE.  113,  1
  • (2015)  Composition of Schedulability Analyses for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS.  64,  4
  • (2015)  Capturing urgency and parallelism using quasi-deadlines for real-time multiprocessor scheduling.  JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE.  101, 
  • (2014)  Improvement of Real-Time Multi-Core Schedulability with Forced Non-Preemption.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.  25,  5
  • (2014)  Preempt a Job or Not in EDF Scheduling of Uniprocessor Systems.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS.  63,  5
  • (2014)  Reducing Peak Power Consumption in Multi-Core Systems without Violating Real-Time Constraints.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.  25,  4


  • OFDM을 이용한 Finger Tracking.  C-2019-009141.  20190402.  대한민국
  • 소리를 이용한 주변 사물 감시.  C-2019-009140.  20190402.  대한민국
  • Xgboost(엑스지부스트)를 이용한 배터리 시뮬레이터 모델링.  C-2018-019803.  20180803.  대한민국
  • 키 스트로크 감지 프로그램.  C-2018-019520.  20180802.  대한민국
  • 에이알 이미지 판별기.  C-2018-019368.  20180801.  대한민국


  • 성균관대학교-삼성전자 2023 산학협력 우수특허상 최우수상, 2023.8
  • IEEE Senior Membership, 2020.11
  • Naver Young Faculty Award, 2016.4
  • IEEE RTSS Best Paper Award, 2012.12
  • IEEE RTAS Best Student Paper Award, 2011.4


  • (2024)  RT-MDM: Real-Time Scheduling Framework for Multi-DNN on MCU Using External Memory.  Design Automation Conference.  미국
  • (2024)  RT-Swap: Addressing GPU Memory Bottlenecks for Real-Time Multi-DNN Inference.  IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium.  홍콩
  • (2023)  RT-Blockchain: Achieving Time-Predictable Transactions.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  대만
  • (2023)  MixMax: Leveraging Heterogeneous Batteries to Alleviate Low Battery Experience for Mobile Users.  ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Application and Services.  핀란드
  • (2022)  RT-MOT: Confidence-Aware Real-Time Scheduling Framework for Multi-Object Tracking Tasks.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  미국
  • (2022)  Design and Timing Guarantee for Non-Preemptive Gang Scheduling.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  미국
  • (2022)  Response Time Analysis for Real-Time Global Gang Scheduling.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  미국
  • (2022)  DNN-SAM: Split-and-Merge DNN Execution for Real-Time Object Detection.  IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium.  미국
  • (2021)  LaLaRAND: Flexible Layer-by-Layer CPU/GPU Scheduling for Real-Time DNN Tasks.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  독일
  • (2021)  ML for RT: Priority Assignment Using Machine Learning.  IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium.  미국
  • (2020)  Non-Preemptive Real-Time Multiprocessor Scheduling Beyond Work-Conserving.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  미국
  • (2020)  Battery Aging Deceleration for Power-Consuming Real-Time Systems.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  미국
  • (2020)  Necessary Feasibility Analysis for Mixed-Criticality Task Systems on Uniprocessor.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  미국
  • (2019)  Adaptive Battery Diagnosis/Prognosis for Efficient Operation.  ACM e-energy.  미국
  • (2018)  MC-SDN: Supporting Mixed-Criticality Scheduling on Switched-Ethernet Using Software-Defined Networking.  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.  미국
  • (2018)  Closing the Gap between Stability and Schedulability: A New Task Model for Cyber-Physical Systems.  IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium.  포르투갈
  • (2018)  Physical-State-Aware Dynamic Slack Management for Mixed-Criticality Systems.  IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium.  포르투갈
  • (2017)  Beyond Implicit-Deadline Optimality: A Multiprocessor Scheduling Framework for Constrained-Deadline Tasks.  The 38th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS).  프랑스
  • (2016)  Offline Guarantee and Online Management of Power Demand and Supply in Cyber-Physical Systems.  Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2016).  포르투갈
  • (2015)  Optimal Real-Time Scheduling on Two-Type Heterogeneous Multicore Platforms.  Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2015).  미국